Friday, October 27, 2006

Repeat Beta yesterday. 10 days after the first.


I want to be excited, but am still scared to.

Ultrasound on Monday.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm pregnant.

10 days of Provera that didn't bring AF resulted in a positive pregnancy test and blood beta of 813 last Monday.

I have a repeat beta on Thursday and my first appt and u/s on Monday.

I don't know what else to say...I'm in shock!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

We had our appt with the RE on Wednesday and it went great! The hubby was able to go with me which was really nice. We were both really impressed with the Dr. and left feeling like we had a little bit of hope again!

The big news is that I finally have an official diagnosis of PCOS. I have had other docs mention it as a possibility, but after seeing clusters of immature follicles all over my ovaries on the u/s he said there was no doubt that's what is going on. Add that to the endo and he rattled off some numbers that I of course can't remember. The important part though was that in the last 2 years of ttc he said we would have been lucky to have had 5 actual chances of conceiving. Factor in the possibility of my tubes being compromised due to the endo and we are at a <5% chance of conceiving on our own.

With all of that he suggested a treatment protocol of ovulation induction and IUI. It didn't take much convincing for us to be completly on board. I started Provera on Wed night to bring on AF (cd 35 -- no AF -- no ovulation) and as soon as she shows we are on! We will do 100 mg of Clomid and then the IUI.

I find it incredibly hard to believe this is our reality, but at the same time am trying my best to accept it for what it is and not let it totally consume my life.

In the 3 days since our appt I can't tell you how many people have asked me, "do you think you should have gone sooner?" "are you upset you wasted all of this time seeing the Natropathic Dr?" and I can't quite explain it, but I am certain that all of this has happend in exactly the right timing. I really feel like the time spent with Dr. F allowed me to get my body into it's optimal health which has in turn better prepared me for this more aggressive treatment. I had some hard, really hard times over the last 2 years, but I don't doubt that all of it has brought me to this place...the exact place I'm supposed to be at.

Since no one (or at least very few of you) knows me IRL you don't know about my extremely odd reaction to almost any medication. I take sudafed and I hallucinate...yes, really hallucinate. I take codeine and I'm wired. I had my wisdom teeth removed and reacted terribly to the narcotics and was vomitting and shaking uncontrolably for hours afterwards. I could go on, but you get the point. Obviously with my history I am extremely conscerned with how the clomid will affect me. It is my biggest concern in all of this. I am praying that I don't turn into a completely crazy woman.

I know this post jumps around a lot, but I think I'm still processing things and can't quite seem to get a clear stream of thoughts going.

More to come...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Last I posted I thougth I was 2 dpo...I was wrong. I'm on cd 33 or something like that and still haven't ovulated. I'm not sure what is going on but this is the course that my cycles took before getting pg the first time. They just got longer and longer and longer. Several years ago the docs had talked to me about PCOS and the more I look into it the more I think I may have it.

The good news is that today is my first appt with the RE. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I know this is just the initial consulation, but I'm ready to get this show on the road.

I've really been praying that God will continue to show us His will for our life. I don't want to do anything that is going directly against what He has for us and at this point I feel very comfortable pursuing ART's. That may change, but for now we will see where this road leads us. Of course I will update once I get home!
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