Thursday, June 08, 2006

After several days of feeling like crap I finally started feeling better. My poor hubby on the other hand continued to get worse and after discovering that we both had a painful rash on our hands and feet, decided to make him an appt with the doc yesterday. I had already diagnosed us with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, but still wanted him to get checked out since he was feeling so terrible. Sure enough, I was right and unfortunately for him, he had lesions covering his throat, fluid in his ear and severe sinus congestion and post nasal drip, but no strep, no ear infection and no sinus infection, therefore he was sent home with instructions to "rest and give it another week or so". Needless to say, he wasn't a happy camper, but as of today he finally seems to be improving. Gotta love the highly contagious viruses passed around at preschool that cause your child to be sick for 2 days tops and leave mom and dad feeling like they are on their death bed!!!

In cycle news, I'm 10 dpo today. Woke up to a small temp drop this morning and later on in the day had some spotting. I'm sure my period will start tomorrow, leaving me with an unsatisfactory luteal phase once again. I don't understand why things seemed to get better one month and then this month I'm right back where I started??


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