Friday, September 15, 2006

I knew it was coming, but last night a good friend of mine told me she is pregnant. Not only are we close friends but we work together. This is their first and I honestly am thrilled for them. They are going to be awesome parents and are so excited for this new chapter in their life.

As genuinely happy as I am for them, the reminder of what we DON'T have is stronger than ever. Everyone around us seems to get pregnant at the drop of a hat and we are the only ones who it is so difficult for. Not only does that leave us feeling totally alone in our struggle to get pregnant but no one can even begin to understand how all of these pregnancies affect us.

I know that God is using this experience for some greater purpose, but it's still hard to not only wait, but to watch as so many people in our life acheive so easily what we have to try so hard at, spend so much money on and still be no closer to having another child than we were 2 years ago.


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