Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Another cycle down the drain. I'm currently on CD 3. I never, I mean, never thought I would be here in September of 2006 and not even be pregnant. This whole experience is all very surreal to me.

I am trying to protect myself emotionally but truth be told, I am praying for a miracle this month. How great would it be to be to cancel my appt with the RE because I am pregnant?! At the same time I know it's just not realistic. It's a dream, a wish, nothing more. Despite my logical side I know that by the end of this month I'm going to be a wreck.

I don't have much more to say than that. Please say a prayer for me that I will make it through this month sane and that I can look forward to what the RE will have to offer us.


Blogger DD said...

I'm sorry that you were let down. I'll be thinking of you.

5:27 PM  

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