Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I just got home from my weekly acupuncture treatment. It was probably the best one yet. I'm not sure what was different, but it was even more relaxing than usual. She reiterated the fact that my body is still trying to adjust to all of the stuff that we are doing and that it's typical to not feel any improvement, or to even feel worse, during the first month. This marks my 4th treatment and 1 month of being on my supplements, so I'm hoping for a noticable improvement from here on out.

With that 1 months mark behind us, we have the green light be being actively trying to get pregnant again. I'm so anxious and excited, but also incredibly nervous. I want SO bad to be joyful during my next pregnancy, but I honestly don't know if I will be able to get past the fear. My goal is to view each day that I'm pregnant as a gift from God and to do my best to trust in His will for our lives.


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