Wednesday, April 26, 2006

When I found out I was pregnant last October I went through all of my clothes and put all of my summer stuff away in our underbed storage. By the time the weather was nice enough to wear summer clothes I would be showing off my swelling belly.

Today I upacked everything.

It's finally in the high 70's and will only get warmer from here. I'm obviously not pregnant and there is a good chance I will make it through the summer with no change in status.

At least I had some cute stuff from last year. I love capris and was thrilled to see my collection of capris after a long cold winter. I also decided to stop with my obsession over maternity clothes on ebay. I went through and deleted all of the items I was "watching" and promised myself not to look at maternity clothes again until I have a reason to do so (by the way, a simple home pregnancy test does not qualify as a "good reason" anymore).

In other news, I went bra shopping with a friend and am happy to report that after being pregnant and then nursing for 2 1/2 years my boobs have dwindled down to a whopping 34 A. Yes, you read A. At this point I might as well hit the girls section...the bras are a whole lot cheaper than Victoria's Secrets. ;)


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